Author: Angela Hemans

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  • Author: Angela Hemans
 Don't Be a Dinosaur: How To Build Confidence When Using New Technology

 Don’t Be a Dinosaur: How To Build Confidence When Using New Technology

Embracing new technology can be daunting, but it’s essential for growth. Whether you’re looking to boost your career or streamline your business, building confidence in using new

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Don’t Be a Dinosaur: Embracing Branding, Marketing, and Technology for Small Business Success

Don’t Be a Dinosaur: Embracing Branding, Marketing, and Technology for Small Business Success

The phrase “Don’t Be a Dinosaur”, symbolizes the need for adaptability and modernization. For small business owners, this theme resonates profoundly, underscoring the critical role of embracing

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Social Media Decline: Embracing Authentic Online Sharing Without a Big Audience

Happy 2024!  I am not sure about you but 2023 flew by and sometimes I can’t explain where all the time went. All I know is that

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